Before upgrading or switching your physical security platform, transit authorities must tackle potential challenges and pitfalls. Follow these steps for a smooth transition.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Onboarding a New Physical Security Platform

Upgrading to a unified security system brings many benefits to mass transit authorities, including efficiency, security, maintenance ease, and adaptability to future needs.

However, changing security platforms can seem daunting, especially for large organizations with varied departmental systems and processes.

If you’re ready to switch, this guide will help you address key questions and challenges during the transition.

Step 1: Assemble Your Unification Dream Team

Transitioning to a unified security system is a significant move. Engage all stakeholders, gather requirements, retrain your security team, and enhance your IT infrastructure to ensure a smooth switch.

This process may take years, but it’s crucial to ensure staff and stakeholders are confident that you’ve addressed all important questions.

Start by forming a core team of project managers, IT and security staff, and a communications expert. This team will guide the project, communicate transition plans, and highlight the new system’s benefits.

Step 2: Define Your Goals and Objectives

Create a roadmap to unification by clearly identifying your security goals and objectives. This will help you choose the best solution for your needs.

Consider your long-term goals. What will your transit authority look like in 5 or 10 years? Understanding your future can help pinpoint essential features for both current and long-term needs.

Step 3: Identify Your IT and Infrastructure Needs

Understand your security needs today and how they’ll evolve. This understanding will guide you in identifying specific IT and infrastructure features you need:

  • True Unification: Is the security solution a single unit with modular options? Or are they separate systems that require individual maintenance and upgrades?
  • Open Architecture: Does the system work with various hardware providers, allowing you to choose the best products for your needs?
  • Easy Adaptability and Growth: Can you easily adjust licenses and features as your needs change?
  • Cybersecurity: Does the provider offer guidance on securing your settings? What encryption and safeguards protect your data?

Step 4: Find The Right Partners

A unified vision enhances collaboration, reduces risks, and optimizes daily tasks. With a unified system, managing data across departments becomes easier, enabling quicker responses. Choose a partner experienced in connecting security and operational teams through a flexible platform.

Ready to get on the path to unified physical security?

Learn more about Maxxess Systems, our open, unified physical security platform. Explore our infographic on the differences between unified and integrated physical security systems for more insights.