For building managers and business owners overseeing large teams, safety and security are paramount concerns. The maintenance and evaluation of a building’s fundamental infrastructure, along with technology systems such as lighting, access control, and security devices, are crucial in adherence to industry standards and safety guidelines.

Modern technology allows businesses to enhance the efficiency of building management practices through customized features and smart devices, collectively known as a Building Management System (BMS).

This guide aims to help business owners comprehend how building management solutions, powered by BMS software, can elevate security networks, streamline daily operations, and empower teams through the analysis of collected data. This data-driven approach contributes to the development of more efficient HVAC, lighting, and energy systems.

What is a BMS System?

Building Management Systems, also known as BMS control systems or building monitoring systems, comprise automated devices that control, assess, and monitor essential electrical equipment, including lighting, access control, and HVAC units. These systems utilize dedicated BMS software alongside hardware devices, enabling property managers to have complete control over all installed systems through a single interface.

Purpose of an Integrated Building Management System

Integrated BMS systems combine the operation of security devices such as cameras, access control, and alarms with critical electrical systems. This integration allows property managers to program individual settings in relation to the entire electrical system, leading to increased efficiency. The major benefits of building management automation include:

  1. Collecting and Reporting Real-time Data

  • Efficiently manage and control energy usage.
  • Monitor the operation and performance of BMS building devices.
  1. Enhancing Security Policies

  • Integrate access control to improve security measures.
  • Utilize video security for visual verification and monitoring.
  1. Improving Occupant/Tenant Experience

  • Provide seamless and secure access control options.
  • Enhance convenience through touchless access credentials.
  1. Building Monitoring Systems and Checking Alarm Systems

  • Strengthen security with integrated alarm systems.
  • Monitor and optimize HVAC and utility systems for efficiency.

Common Features of a BMS

  1. Access Control

  • Connect to the property’s access control systems.
  • Utilize a variety of access control devices, including modern options like mobile credentials.
  1. Video Security

  • Integrate on-site video security cameras into the BMS.
  • Employ AI-informed video analytics for advanced security measures.
  1. HVAC Systems

  • Automate and control heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.
  • Use IoT sensors to monitor temperature, humidity, and occupancy in real-time.
  1. BMS Software

  • Oversee all critical systems from a single interface.
  • Utilize cloud-based solutions for remote management.

Benefits of an Integrated Building Maintenance System

  1. Strengthened Security

  • Monitor all security devices from a unified interface.
  • Receive real-time alerts and automate responses for enhanced security.
  1. Reduced Operating Costs

  • Optimize energy efficiency, leading to cost savings.
  • Ensure each connected hardware device functions at optimal efficiency.
  1. Adaptive Control

  • Remote access and adjustment of connected devices.
  • Flexibility in optimizing systems with changing business needs.
  1. Improved Sustainability

  • Achieve sustainability goals by reducing energy waste.
  • Utilize IoT sensors for smart automations and minimize resource consumption.
  1. Increased Comfort and Convenience

  • Regulate HVAC systems for improved comfort.
  • Enhance convenience through frictionless access control systems.
  1. Provide Valuable Data Insights

  • Utilize actionable data insights to optimize systems.
  • Develop smart automations based on observed patterns.
  1. Increased Property Value

  • Attract tenants with desirable smart building features.
  • Studies show a willingness to pay more for properties equipped with smart solutions.
  1. Enhanced Health and Safety

  • Improve health and safety through automated HVAC systems.
  • Real-time occupancy tracking for effective crowd management.

Key Takeaways

Implementing integrated building management systems enhances security, efficiency, and safety policies, offering convenience benefits to occupants. By combining the management of essential security and utility systems, administrators can develop smart building management automations, leveraging collected data for system optimization. To maximize these benefits, property owners are advised to consult specialists for a customized solution tailored to their BMS building requirements. Sign up for a live demo today!